adnan's kitchen


  • 1 kg of Mullet or Bass Fish
  •  2 cups riice
  •  3 tbs. tahini
  •  2 lemons
  •  2 cloves garlic
  •  Salt to taste
  •  2 tsp. cumin




Kuwaiti cuisine
Kuwaiti cuisine is very important to the culture of Kuwait. The national dish of Kuwait known as machboos consists mainly of mutton, chicken, or fish placed over or mixed in a large mass of well-cooked and prepared rice. Mutabbaq Samak is fish served over rice cooked in well spiced fish stock. Food is almost always prepared and served in large amounts, and it is extremely common for households to invite guests over to share meals. Kuwaiti cuisine is an infusion of Indian, Persian, Mediterranean, and Najdi (the center of the Arabian peninsula) cuisines.


Adnan's Kitchen
Fish with Tahini
(Fish cooked in tahini sauce)




  1. Clean Fish and soak in salt water and lemon.
  2. Dilute tahini with lemon until creamy, then add water gradually until liquid. Add crushed garlic and salt.
  3. Bake the Fish and before it is done, take it out, boil the tahini  sauce and pour over it.
  4. Bake again until top gets brownish